

Annoying Client || HTTP Error 500 || 18 hours down the drain (I)

Getting frustrated with a client can actually mess with your creativity when working on their project.
I just finished deploying a PHP web application a short while ago. Should have been done earlier, but HTTP Internal Error 500 took about 3 hours of my time. But why?

First, this guyz undisputably win the Most Annoying Client Award (For Now).
One of the guys on their team is a "mediocre" web developer (one of those people that know a little HTML & CSS ) and then talk like they've been LAMP Stack expert for 100 years.

The other main guy on their team knows next to nothing about this stuff (fine by me), but has a hard time explaining what they actually want ( because he probably doesn't really understand it himself). He also has the habit of changing his mind on things like a zillion times per day.

First, they told me they wanted a super awesome landing page with heavy animations and all the shebangs. Contrary to my advice about using too much animations on a landing page, they insisted on it, I did my best at that, and they loved it. For less than 24 hours. One of them happened to be in an area with terrible connection and decided to checkout the site demo(using Opera Browser, on his mobile phone) and then he saw the point of my advice.

I was actually happy about the incident, but not at the decision it made them reach. All of a sudden, they had found this wonderful website that looked like what they wanted and they wanted me to clone/ replicate the site. In the spirit of pleasing the client, I did just that. Cloned the site (using some pretty nice tools you might know about), messed around with the content and CSS and voila, their landing page was born. They loved it also, for about 3 days.

..............................will continue very soon, got to take a call.

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